Commu­ni­ca­tions. Marke­ting. Network.

For a successful expan­sion in Germany

As a passio­nate networker and commu­ni­cator, I have been shaping busi­nesses at the inter­face of marke­ting, sales & public rela­tions for over three decades. For renowned players in Germany and abroad, toge­ther with start-ups and grown-ups, in retail, services and industry.

Multi­l­in­gual, with a degree in philo­logy and econo­mics, and sound know­ledge in all facets of modern brand commu­ni­ca­tion, comple­mented by a strong sense of crea­ti­vity, thorough­ness, and insights into nume­rous indus­tries and their value chains, I am perfectly placed to help you adver­tise successfully in Germany with attrac­tive German text, content, and stories.

Copy­wri­ting & Editing in German

Concept, stra­tegy, imple­men­ta­tion — for all chan­nels and media

Freelance Texter Copywriting Düsseldorf

Regard­less of the sectors and target groups: I am always delighted to delve into new subjects and expand my know­ledge with a great deal of curio­sity and enthu­siasm. However, over the course of my profes­sional life, I have gained in-depth sector know-how in the field of (b2b) digital services compa­nies, retail & hospi­ta­lity, archi­tec­ture & inte­rior design as well as event & desti­na­tion marketing.

No need for expen­sive agency services — with Weller Consul­ting you get profes­sional support for your entire brand commu­ni­ca­tion from a single source!

  • Copy­wri­ting, Storytel­ling, Content in German
  • Long copy, short copy, microcopy
  • Descrip­tion of products & services
  • Employer Bran­ding, job advertisement
  • SEO texts
Edito­rial work
  • Blog articles
  • Sector insights, white paper, case studies, inter­views & other content in German
  • Company stories and other crea­tive tasks in brand & corpo­rate communications
Social Media & Newsletter
  • Crea­tion of an edito­rial plan for social media-campaigns and newsletters
  • Texts for campaigns and newsletters
Public Rela­tions
  • German press releases
  • Crea­tion of a media distri­bu­tion network in Germany or D.A.CH.
  • Orga­ni­sa­tion of press events
Trans­la­tions and editing
  • Trans­la­tion of all types of text or websites from English into German, French, Italian and vice versa
  • Review and correc­tion of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence-gene­rated trans­la­tions (DeepL, ChatGPT)

My clients include compa­nies such as Bolz­hauser (AI in customer service), the French ME GROUP, the publisher and event orga­niser Images Group in India, the deli­ca­cies online-shop Impe­rial Caviar, physio­the­ra­pists such as Praxis Kanakis or the oral surgery Oral­chir­urgen Düssel­dorf. In addi­tion, I took care of copy­wri­ting for Elried indus­trial marking systems, for GUHL hair care products (new online presence) and, for six years, public rela­tions and all commu­ni­ca­tion tasks for the (retail) design studio kplus konzept.

What’s more?

Busi­ness Deve­lo­p­ment & Event Marke­ting and Organisation

Throug­hout my career, I have been passio­nate about trans­na­tional commu­ni­ca­tion, which I have successfully imple­mented in marke­ting and busi­ness deve­lo­p­ment for renowned compa­nies. Studying in France, working in Italy, selling Japa­nese products in Europe, marke­ting German trade fairs around the world and recrui­ting Euro­pean and American players for events and invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties in India — these are the main stages of my career path.

Brin­ging people toge­ther and connec­ting them, through rele­vant topics and winning commu­ni­ca­tion, in person — and on all digital chan­nels. This is my offer in terms of commu­ni­ca­tion and organisation:

German market access international support marketing, text and PR

Sales & Marketing

  • Busi­ness deve­lo­p­ment (b2b), sales & marke­ting stra­tegie for German spea­king countries
  • Liaison office in Germany
Organisation, Marketing und PR für Events

Network & Event

  • Finding suitable busi­ness part­ners, match-making in the German-spea­king markets
  • Orga­ni­sa­tion & promo­tion of your parti­ci­pa­tion in a German trade show/conference
Pressearbeit und Journalismus für Unternehmen und Verlage

PR & Social Media

  • Public rela­tions, press releases, e‑mail marke­ting & social media campaigns in German
  • Crea­tion of an edito­rial plan for all digital commu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels custo­mized to your industry

Job to do?

Jour­na­lism & Public Relations

A selec­tion of my published articles (most written in English), parti­cu­larly in the field of shop­fit­ting and retail design. And some evidence of effec­tive PR in leading inter­na­tional trade magazines.

01. Africa

Specia­list jour­na­lism | industry reports

Article ‘Future of Retail Design’, published in African Design Maga­zine (ZA). Specia­list article ‘The Second Real Revo­lu­tion’ for Instore Marketer Nigeria.

02. Hospitality

PR | project presen­ta­tions, interview

Publi­ca­tion of the project ‘Foodkurt’, restau­rant design, in ‘Brand­De­sign China’ and ‘EHI Shop­ping Centre Report’.

03. India

specia­list jour­na­lism | cover story, inter­views, event reports

Cover story ‘When Retailers turn Shopper’ for Images Retail Maga­zine, India, a report on a German fashion shop chain, an inter­view with the CEO of Stre­nesse and other contributions.

04. Shop­ping Center

PR | expert contri­bu­tion, project presentations

Expert contri­bu­tion ‘Better Shop­ping in the Green fields’ to the customer maga­zine of MEC Metro ECE. Report on the ‘Köln Arcaden’ shop­ping centre project in POS Maga­zine (DE) and AIT (DE), and the ‘Open Space’ project presented in AlShop (BR).

05. Retail Design

PR | project presen­ta­tions, expert contribution

Invited by the German Shop Fitti­ting Asso­cia­tion to write about shop­ping expe­ri­ence design. Further, publi­ca­tions of the Deca­thlon City Store design in ’sport + mode’ (DE) and ‘Obiet­tivo Vendità’ (IT).

06. Events

specia­list jour­na­lism | event reports

Reports on the ‘Store Design Confe­rence’ in Wies­baden and ‘India Retail Forum’ in Mumbai, published in the trade jour­nals ‘POS Magazin’ and ‘display inter­na­tional’ (DE).

All the publi­ca­tions indi­cated, and others from my port­folio, can be sent on request.

Digital Skills & Tools

My skills include swift mastery of new soft­ware and self-taught lear­ning, enab­ling me to effi­ci­ently adapt and excel in diverse and dynamic environments.


MS Office

Office programs


Keynote | Powerpoint

Presen­ta­tion design

content manage­ment




Proofre­a­ding | editing

Adobe Pro

commu­ni­ca­tion design

Affi­nity Designer

Corpo­rate publishing

Affi­nity Publisher

web layout



Findings in language(s) & commu­ni­ca­tion (in German)

Komplexe Logos gut gestalten


Leider ein Rein­fall — die deut­sche Mann­schaft hat die Euro­pa­meis­ter­schaft auch als Gast­geber nicht gewonnen. Hat das EM-Logo womög­lich dazu beigetragen?

Formelle oder persönliche Kundenansprache?

Myste­riöse Leads

Schnell, locker, auf den Punkt — so präsen­tiert sich mir zuweilen digi­tales Follow-Up heute. Kein Vergleich zur formellen Unter­neh­mens­sprache vergan­gener Jahrzehnte…

Informelle Sprache am Beispiel OMG


WTF… OMG soll nicht okay sein? Dabei war ich mir so sicher, diesen Ausdruck infor­meller Sprache auch als Boomerin beden­kenlos nutzen zu können!