Susanne Weller
owner weller consulting

Communications. Marketing. Network.

Welcome! I’m Susanne, expert in transnational communications based in Düsseldorf, the state capital of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. You’re in the right place if you’re looking to expand into the German market and need impactful solutions to connect with your target audience.

As a passionate networker and communicator, I have been shaping businesses at the interface of marketing, sales & public relations for over three decades. For renowned national and international players, together with start-ups and grown-ups, in retail, services and industry. Multilingual, with a degree in philology and economics, I offer expertise accross all facets of modern brand communication.

With a strong sense of creativity, thoroughness, and insights into various industries and their value chains, I am perfectly positioned to help you successfully advertise in German-speaking countries with compelling text, content, and stories tailored for your audience. Expertise in business developmentevent marketing/organisation complement my portfolio.

Copywriting & Editing in German

Concept, strategy, implementation — for all channels and media

Regardless of the sectors and target groups: I am always delighted to delve into new subjects and expand my knowledge with a great deal of curiosity and enthusiasm. However, over the course of my professional life, I have gained in-depth sector know-how in the field of (b2b) digital services companies, retail & hospitality, architecture & interior design as well as event & destination marketing.

No need for expensive agency services — with Weller Consulting you get professional support for your entire brand communication from a single source!

copywriting, content, seo
editorial work
  • Blog articles
  • Sector insights, white paper, case studies, interviews & other content in German
  • Specialist articles, expert contributions, advertorials, customer magazines…
  • Company stories and other creative tasks in brand & corporate communications
social media & newsletter
  • E‑mail marketing & social media campaigns in German
  • Creation of an editorial plan for social media-campaigns and newsletters
  • Texts, graphics for campaigns and newsletters
public relations
  • Writing and distribution of German press releases
  • Identification of relevant media
  • Creation of a media distribution network in Germany or D.A.CH.
  • Organisation of press events
translations & proofreading
  • Translation of all types of text or websites from English into German, French, Italian and vice versa
  • Proofreading
  • Review and correction of artificial intelligence/AI-generated translations (DeepL, ChatGPT)


My clients include companies such as Bolzhauser (AI in customer service), the French ME GROUP, the publisher and event organiser Images Group in India, the delicacies online-shop Imperial Caviar, physiotherapists such as Praxis Kanakis or the oral surgery Oralchirurgen Düsseldorf. In addition, I took care of copywriting for Elried industrial marking systems, for GUHL hair care products (new online presence) and, for six years, public relations and all communication tasks for the (retail) design studio kplus konzept.

What’s more?

Business Development & Event Marketing and Organisation

Throughout my career, I have been passionate about transnational communication, which I have successfully implemented in marketing and business development for renowned companies, in functions such as export manager (Japanese Office Supplier), project and sales manager (for Messe Düsseldorf) and as head of the communications department (design studio). I bring people together and connect them, through relevant topics and winning communication, in person — and on all digital channels.

Markenkommunikation für GründerInnen

Marketing & Sales

Enhancing your business with comprehensive b2b business development & marketing solutions tailored to the German market.

  • Business development, sales & marketing strategy for German speaking countries
  • Implementation of the agreed measures
  • Liaison office in Germany / Düsseldorf
Corporate Communications für Unternehmen

Network & Events

Weller Consulting as your organisation and match-making partner in Germany.

  • Finding suitable business partners, match-making in the German-speaking markets
  • Organisation of your participation in a German trade show/conference
  • Marketing & promotion of your participation in all channels
Alle Kommunikationsaufgaben aus einer Hand


A selection of my published articles (mostly written in English) — showcasing successful PR with features in leading international trade magazines. Full articles are available upon request.

Specialist journalism | industry reports

Article ‘Future of Retail Design’, published in African Design Magazine (ZA). Specialist article ‘The Second Real Revolution’ for Instore Marketer Nigeria.

PR | project presentations, interview

Publication of the project ‘Foodkurt’, restaurant design, in ‘BrandDesign China’ and ‘EHI Shopping Centre Report’.

specialist journalism | cover story, interviews, event reports

Cover story ‘When Retailers turn Shopper’ for Images Retail Magazine, India, a report on a German fashion chain, an interview with the CEO of Strenesse and other contributions.

PR | expert contribution, project presentations

Expert contribution ‘Better Shopping in the Green fields’ to the customer magazine of MEC Metro ECE. Report on the ‘Köln Arcaden’ project in POS Magazine (DE) and AIT (DE), and on ‘OpenSpace’ in AlShop (BR).

retail design
PR | project presentations, expert contribution

Invited by the German Shop Fittiting Association to write about shopping experience design. Further, publications of the Decathlon City Store design in ’sport + mode’ (DE) and ‘Obiettivo Vendità’ (IT).

specialist journalism | event reports

Reports on the ‘Store Design Conference’ in Wiesbaden and ‘India Retail Forum’ in Mumbai, published in the trade journals ‘POS Magazin’ and ‘display international’ (DE).

Job to do?


Software tools, language skills and geographical specialisations

Whatever system you use: I approach all new tasks with curiosity and learn quickly!

Intercultural communication and international business have been part of my entire professional life: studying in France, working in Italy, selling Japanese products in Europe, marketing German trade fairs around the world, attracting European players for investments and events in India, and creating intercultural and business dialogue with representatives of African nations.

CMS WebdesignWordPress
GraphicAffinity Designer
PublishingAffinity Publisher
ProofreadingAdobe Pro
Presentation designKeynote, Powerpoint
Germanmother tongue
Europefocus Germany, A/CH, France, Italy, Benelux, UK
Asiafocus India and Japan
Africafocus Sub-sahara; West Africa
Americafocus North America

Findings in language(s) & communication (in German)

Bezeichnung Nationalitäten deutsch

Nicht egal

Weithin bekannt ist, dass die Bewohner Indiens nicht ‘Indianer’ heißen. Manch andere Erdenbürger müssen allerdings sprachlich ganz schön Federn lassen!

Gerne weniger

Die Verwendung des Wörtchens “gerne” ufert aus. Und wo ein “selbstverständlich” angebracht wäre, wird mit “kein Problem” ein Konflikt suggeriert, wo keiner ist. 

Farbpsychologie Farben Texten

Hast du Töne?

Farbbezeichnungen sind für das Mode- & Beautymarketing elementar. Pink und Rosa spielen dabei eine Hauptrolle. Wer ihre Nuancen erkennt, ist klar im Vorteil.